Beyin Tümörü Ameliyatı

Beyin Tümörü Ameliyatı

Beyindeki kitlelerin cerrahi olarak çıkarılması, ciddi bir tıbbi müdahaledir. Beyin tümörü ameliyatı, tümörün boyutuna ve konumuna bağlı olarak farklı tekniklerle gerçekleştirilebilir. Bu işlem, genellikle yüksek risk taşıyan bir tedavi süreci gerektirir. Operasyon sonrası iyileşme süreci, kişinin durumuna bağlı olarak değişebilir. Düzenli kontroller ve iyileşme sürecine dikkat edilmesi önemlidir. Beyin Tümörü [...]

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Nuclear Medicine Treatment Methods

Nuclear Medicine Treatment Methods

Nükleer tıp, radyoaktif maddelerle yapılan bir tedavi yöntemidir. Bu işlem, rahatsız olmuş dokuları saptamak ve iyileştirmek amacıyla kullanılır. Genellikle kanser, tiroid hastalıkları ve kalp hastalıklarında etkili sonuçlar verir. Radyoaktif maddeler bedene enjekte edilir ve istenen alana doğru yönlendirilir. Nükleer tıp tedavisi yöntemleri, minimal invaziv işlemlerle hızlı sonuçlar sağlar. Tedavi, uzman [...]

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Boyun Fıtığı

Boyun Fıtığı

Boyun bölgesindeki omurlar arasındaki disklerin yerinden kayması, bu duruma yol açar. Boyun fıtığı, sızı, his kaybı ve güç kaybı gibi işaretlerle ortaya çıkar. Genellikle baş, omuz ve kollara yayılabilir. Eğer tedavi edilmezse, daha da kötüleşebilir ve yaşam standardını olumsuz yönde etkileyebilir. Beden terapisi, ilaç tedavisi ve ameliyat, tedavi seçenekleri içinde [...]

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Liver Cancer

Liver Cancer

They are malignant tumors that form in the liver cells. They are usually called hepatocellular carcinoma. They can be primary or secondary. Primary cancer originates from the liver's own cells. Secondary cancer is metastatic tumors that spread from other organs. Liver cancer risk factors include hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and cirrhosis. Symptoms include abdominal pain, weight loss, and fatigue. Early diagnosis [...]

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Brain Hemorrhage

Brain Hemorrhage

It is a condition in which the blood vessels in the brain are suddenly damaged and bleed. A brain hemorrhage damages brain cells and can cause serious health problems. The cause of the bleeding is usually hypertension, head trauma or vascular disorders. Symptoms include severe headache, loss of consciousness, and weakness in the arms and legs. Treatment is to stop the bleeding and [...]

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Spinal Cord Tumor

Spinal Cord Tumor

It is a mass formed by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the spinal cord. A spinal cord tumor can cause pain, weakness, and loss of sensation by pressing on the spinal cord and surrounding nerves. Symptoms include back pain, numbness, and loss of movement. Treatment is usually done with surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy. What Are the Symptoms of a Spinal Cord Tumor? A spinal cord tumor can cause pain in the lower back, [...]

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Stomach Cancer

Stomach Cancer

It is a disease caused by the uncontrolled growth of cells in the lining of the stomach. It usually begins in the stomach lining and can spread over time. Symptoms of stomach cancer include weight loss, stomach pain, nausea and loss of appetite. Early diagnosis increases the chance of cure. Risk factors include unhealthy diet, smoking and family history. Treatment is surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy [...]

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Tendon Rupture

Tendon Rupture

Excessive stress on muscles and joints can lead to serious injuries. A tendon rupture is one of the most common examples of this type of injury. This occurs when the tendon is overstretched or strained. Signs such as intense pain, difficulty moving, and swelling may occur. Early intervention and treatment can speed up the healing process. Physical therapy and [...]

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Knee Arthritis Surgery

Knee Arthritis Surgery

Knee arthritis is a disorder that occurs as a result of excessive wear and tear on the joints. As a result of the thinning or complete loss of cartilage, friction increases on the joint surfaces. It causes pain and limited movement. In advanced cases, knee arthritis surgery is the most effective solution to improve the quality of life of patients. Who is Suitable for Knee Osteoarthritis Surgery? Osteoarthritis [...]

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What Does Brain and Nerve Surgery Look At?

What Does Brain and Nerve Surgery Look At?

Diseases related to the nervous system can affect movement and sensation. This area includes the healing of the brain, spine and nervous system. Diseases such as tumors, bleeding, nerve compression require surgical intervention. In addition, paralysis, headaches and spinal cord injuries are also included in this area of expertise. What does brain and neurosurgery look at, effective solutions in the treatment of such diseases [...]

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